
Alternative because there is no solution in the current system
Reflect, believe and fight differently
Think, construct and above all live differently… it is to meet this desire that we must develop a real Alternative, neither political nor economic, simply human.
Resistant because the current system kills little by little the planet and Humanity, and this we oppose ! We believe in Man because in him lives the Hope of a fulfilling Life for all. We defend, with an unyielding ethic, Life in its entirety. Resistance in the name of respect of all the living beings and of our common Earth.
Active because we want to add to our words : Action ! To that end, we express Hope, smiles, and an overall joy of living everywhere we go. Because while knowing that the greater part of humanity suffers, we can help them only if we are conscious of the simplicity and the beauty of Life.

We take action primarily at the local level, but always with a global conscience in mind. We encourage debate, because interaction of all kinds promotes understanding of diverse perspectives. We defend with conviction everything that strives to respect humanity, the Earth, and the entirity of Life.

A.R.A. is our action, our way of protest. It is currently but a murmur, a vague idea for the construction of a natural revolution totally different from the paths already taken. A revolution can not impose itself on anyone, only the People can be the masters of their own destiny, responsible for their choices, for either their actions or lack thereof. The pioneers of new idea only propose good or bad things ; the People educate themselves, reflect and then use the whatever means available to them in order to improve their future and that of future generations.

Nothing guarantees that this could work, yet it has so much to offer. But this Alternative will not be realized unless we all wish it to be so. This is how our Hope lives, so vast and at the same time so fragile, just like the world… just like Life, and life is beautiful so: ARRRRAAAAAH !!

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