
Ara is a citizen project, a life philosophy, a vision for an alternative reality, a hope for renewal and unity.

The word Ara is a neologism—a new word—as well as a palindrome—spelled the same forwards and backwards.

We like to distinguish ARRAAAH from A.R.A. ArrAAAh is a term of expression, an exclamation of life.

Alternative Resistant Active (A.R.A.) is a non-official, non-structured and non-violent citizen movement in the name of all the world’s Peoples.

The « Ara spirit » is about engaging the best aspects of human nature : love, cooperation, sharing, smiling, etc.

In a world where Man so often shows his worst, it is vital to find tools that can help bring out his best.

The word (or the action, for that matter) that you envision is not what matters, but rather it is the pursuit of commonground and collective solutions—finding a path that leads away from sadness, indifference, and anger, and towards the Light, Hope and positive vibes.

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