
Ara is a citizen project, a life philosophy, a vision for an alternative reality, a hope for renewal and unity.

The word Ara is a neologism—a new word—as well as a palindrome—spelled the same forwards and backwards.

We like to distinguish ARRAAAH from A.R.A. ArrAAAh is a term of expression, an exclamation of life.

Alternative Resistant Active (A.R.A.) is a non-official, non-structured and non-violent citizen movement in the name of all the world’s Peoples.

The « Ara spirit » is about engaging the best aspects of human nature : love, cooperation, sharing, smiling, etc.

In a world where Man so often shows his worst, it is vital to find tools that can help bring out his best.

The word (or the action, for that matter) that you envision is not what matters, but rather it is the pursuit of commonground and collective solutions—finding a path that leads away from sadness, indifference, and anger, and towards the Light, Hope and positive vibes.


Alternative because there is no solution in the current system
Reflect, believe and fight differently
Think, construct and above all live differently… it is to meet this desire that we must develop a real Alternative, neither political nor economic, simply human.
Resistant because the current system kills little by little the planet and Humanity, and this we oppose ! We believe in Man because in him lives the Hope of a fulfilling Life for all. We defend, with an unyielding ethic, Life in its entirety. Resistance in the name of respect of all the living beings and of our common Earth.
Active because we want to add to our words : Action ! To that end, we express Hope, smiles, and an overall joy of living everywhere we go. Because while knowing that the greater part of humanity suffers, we can help them only if we are conscious of the simplicity and the beauty of Life.

We take action primarily at the local level, but always with a global conscience in mind. We encourage debate, because interaction of all kinds promotes understanding of diverse perspectives. We defend with conviction everything that strives to respect humanity, the Earth, and the entirity of Life.

A.R.A. is our action, our way of protest. It is currently but a murmur, a vague idea for the construction of a natural revolution totally different from the paths already taken. A revolution can not impose itself on anyone, only the People can be the masters of their own destiny, responsible for their choices, for either their actions or lack thereof. The pioneers of new idea only propose good or bad things ; the People educate themselves, reflect and then use the whatever means available to them in order to improve their future and that of future generations.

Nothing guarantees that this could work, yet it has so much to offer. But this Alternative will not be realized unless we all wish it to be so. This is how our Hope lives, so vast and at the same time so fragile, just like the world… just like Life, and life is beautiful so: ARRRRAAAAAH !!


Arraaah is a simple expression, originating most likely from Marseille, France (or possibly elsewhere), and often used by fans of the city’s soccer club « Olympique de Marseille » .
But the word has since taken on a new sense. Its force lies in its positive message : the joy of living, being grateful for every fortunate moment life gives us, andin these moments, not hesitating to think and even proclaim Arrraaaaah ! It’s also for expressing the kind of happiness that can pass for craziness (only the crazy can be free in this system).

It takes the full force of ArrAAAh to overcome the obstacles of life that are an integral part of human evolution. When life sends us situations that test our resolve—sometimes seemingly impossible to overcome—when the pressure of work reaches a climax, when our heart suffers, when something brings you to the edge of exasperation, think and/or yell this word and it will clear your head, make you think of all those moments of joy and clarity in the « ArrAAAh days ». By liberating your spirit, you will be able to find your way once again.

« ArrAAAh » was born out of a revelation for smiling at life, it can be a way to get through challenging
times by working on one’s mindset. The strength of Ara grows out of personal interaction, group cohesion,
solidarity and unity. Everything that comes from the heart is pure, and the solution is within us ! Try it, you’ll
see : it works !
« Arraaah » is our word, it comes from the depths of the throat, expresses rage but above all happiness. It comes
out of nowhere and can travel far, it expresses our sincerity since it lets the heart to express itself. It expresses our faith and our liberty since we are not ashamed to exclaim it nor to defend it. It also expresses our hope since nothing stops a person acting with sincerity, faith and freedom of conviction. In this way everything seeming impossible becomes possible !

The Ara flag

Our symbol, its origin, history and significance

It was in 2004 that our desire to come up with the symbol of Arraaah (the flag) came about. The following years saw an evolution of forms and continual reflection brought us to the current symbol of Ara in 2010.

Tristan D.V is the artist who created the first versions, the final of which was reached in 2007. This version was then influenced by numerous individuals, and the final design in numeric format is the work of Nacho.B.

The « flag » represents various elements, all independent yet related to each other in meaning. Among the elements depicted are the 7 spiritual paths like the Native American beliefs, the 4 elements of the Planet (Fire, Water, Earth and Wind), and numerous symbols to represent Life, Love, Unity, Peace, Liberty, Hope, Humanity…etc… The flag evolves with time and new encounters. The definition of today is surely incomplete because each of us brings a new perspective and thus new ideas.

The Tree of Hope : This is a beautiful symbol of Life, it embodies the connection between Planet Earth and the Spirit of the world. Its roots nourish themselves of the energies of the Earth and its branches extend toward the sky as they grow.

Its roots are also a symbol of our origins, of our local cultures. The mentality of world citizenship (or citizens without borders) doesn’t require that we forget our origins. Au contraire ! This is a strength ! The roots of the tree are culture, local history, native language, etc… the branches of the tree represent the openness of our spirit unto the world and unto the richness of other cultures. This fosters a love of diversity.

The tree is the connection between the 6 spiritual paths (4 regions of the world, the Earth and the Spirit) that unite at this central point to proceed in synchrony to the 7th spiritual path.

The Ara Bird (Parrot) : We were researching a bird that would fit well with our movement, when two friends discovered the bird « Ara » —an amazing synchronicity of words—in turn leading us to learn that this bird is actually a perfect symbol.

There are numerious species, though the one represented on the flag is of the Ara Macao family.

This bird is native to regions of Central and South America. The variety of species is astonishing, many differing drastically in color. Depending on the species, they are often said to possess remarkably human-like characterestics.

It is highly social, friendly, affectionate, experiences a wide range of moods, enjoys amusing itself, has a relatively long life, during which various forms of communication are very important to its complex social interactions.

One other interesting detail : In no observations of their social interactions can be seen evidence of any form of hierarchy within their groups, which means no boss… one also notes the mark of respect and sageness in the relations between generations : The younger birds learn by observing and imitating the elders in order to later become models themselves.

The symbol of the bird in general is a synonym of Liberty (expressed through the act of flight itself), of Life, and of Hope. It expresses a desire to rise above borders and represent the 7th spiritual path : HAPPINESS !

The circle : A continuous line that, in a certain way, never ends. This symbolizes Life.

The interior of the circle : Mother Earth is represented by its 4 regions : South/ North/ East/ West, symbolic of the 4 spiritual paths that unite and of the 4 colors of the people of the world : those of Africa (black), of the Americas (red), of Asia and Oceania (yellow) and of Europe (white).

Symbol of the Earth element, and of the 5th spiritual path.

The circular and golden triangular line : Symbol of the Fire element.

Representation of the Sun, and protection of Planet Earth.

The circular and blue triangular line : Represents oxygen.

The white lines : Symbol of the Wind element, symbolic of Strength. This is the 6th spiritual path : The Spirit of the World. It’s the path that the bird follows, letting herself be guided by the wind and carrying all the colors and their magic with her, with the freedom of flying wherever she chooses.

The blue line : Symbol of the Water element : Representation of its importance for all living beings on the planet, their beauty and vastness.

The thought of considering oneself Citizen of the World is a good way to envision a tranformation

for world peace. This feeling facilitates an embracing of all world cultures and natural rsepect of other populations.

Ara is simply the embodiment of a dream. Because this is what Humanity needs, it’s very much made of dreams, Hope, and positive Force.

Yes ! The impossible can take Life ! Ara, it’s believing that everything is possible !

Life is beautiful!